
CFX 2024 Speaker Dashboard

Welcome to the CFX 2024 Speaker Dashboard!

We’re so glad you’ve committed to being a presenter at CFX! Everything you need to know about being a presenter at CFX can be found on this page. Check back frequently for the latest news and updates regarding the conference.

If you have additional questions please contact Stephanie Lippi, Conference Manager, at slippi@churchfacilitiesexpo.com, call or text her at 717.222.7713, or schedule a meeting. 

*Page updated 10/11/24 


  • September 15 – Speaker registration information due (if you want to attend a Masterclass or Leadership Collective or if you want to bring a guest)
  • September 27 – All additional AVL requirements need to be confirmed with Stephanie
  • September 30 – Speaker Agreement forms due
  • October 4 – presentations due (see link below to submit them)
  • October 11 – digital handouts and additional resources for your session due (see link below to submit them)
  • October 17 – speaking notes for BLACK BOX Prompters due (rooms 5-6, 12, and Worship Facility Stage ONLY)

Hurricane Updates and CFX

Thankfully Chattanooga wasn’t badly affected by Hurricane Helene, so CFX 2024 is still happening. If you’d like to help support churches who were damaged by either of the recent hurricanes, please click here for more info.

If you are in an area that is affected by one of the hurricanes, please know that we are praying for you and your churches and families. Contact Stephanie ASAP if something comes up that will affect your session.

Presentation Templates, Marketing Info, FAQs, and Much More

Last Chance to Spread the Word

We’re offering an even greater deal than before to those in your network to help them attend CFX 2024. Use promo code SESSIONS to get one All Access Pass for only $99! Tell your friends and peers!

*Please note that this package does NOT include the masterclass or collective options.


Speaking in Rooms 5-6, 12, and on the Worship Facility Stage?

Our gear partner, BLACK BOX Prompter, will have their prompters located in these areas. Your presentations will be loaded onto them, OR you can have your notes loaded onto the prompters. Instead of using your laptop to look at your notes, you can discreetly look down at the prompters to gather your thoughts.

If you’d like to have your notes included in the prompters, please send me all your notes in a Word document or Google docx file by October 17th, and we’ll get them loaded for you. 

*Please note: we will NOT be able to accommodate any last-minute changes, so anything you send after the 17th may not get loaded.

    BLACK BOX Prompter Training Videos

    Want to know how to use these amazing prompters (aka confidence monitors) at CFX? Click on the link below for a training video that shows you step-by-step instructions for a smooth and user-friendly experience. (ONLY for Rooms 5-6, 12, Worship Facility Stage, and the Networking Reception)

    Mobile App

    The CFX Event App is the best place to have the most up-to-date info for CFX at your fingertips. While there are still a few updates to be made to it, it is now live in both the Google Play and Apple App Stores.


    How Can I Access My Presentation During My Session?

    Once we receive your presentation files, we’ll have them loaded onto the laptop provided for you in the room where your session will take place, and we’ll have clickers for you to use to advance your slides.

    If you prefer to use your own laptop (in case you have notes saved there or your presentation is a Canva or Keynote file), there will be an HDMI cable provided for you to plug your computer into. Please bring any necessary adapters you may need.

      Scripts for Session Intros

      Help us thank our sponsors and gear partners by following the scripts that will be available in the room where your session takes place.

      Please also help remind attendees to fill out the session surveys included in the mobile app to help both you and us evaluate how the sessions went.

      Digital Handouts

      We’ll be providing your PPT presentations on the mobile app for attendees to access, but if you have additional resources you’d like to share, we can include those on the app as well.

      Please send any digital handouts or resources (pdfs, links, etc.) that you’d like us to share with attendees to me by October 11th.

      What to Do When You Arrive

      When you arrive at CFX, make sure to pick up your badge at the Registration Counter so you can have access to the places you need to go. Don’t forget to get your badge ribbon to help others know the areas you’re interested in!

      Registration Hours:

      • Monday (10/21) 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
      • Tuesday (10/22) 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM
      • Wednesday (10/23) 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM

      Speaker Lounge

      We love your passion for teaching our attendees so much valuable information, so we want to show some love back to you to thank you! 

      When you arrive, after you’ve picked up your badge, stop in at our Speaker Lounge located in Room 1 to grab a coffee or tea, have a snack and take some time to make sure you’re all set for your presentation.

      This room is open to you for the duration of the event and will be monitored so you can leave personal items here safely (i.e., luggage, etc.) if needed.


      Make sure you check out what’s happening at CFX! Plan your time to attend other sessions.

      See where your session is taking place and who the audience will be. (Look for the Registration Passes that have access to your session to determine which audience may attend your session.)

      AVL in My Room

      You may be wondering what will be available to you in the room where your session is taking place. Here’s what you can expect:

      Rooms 5-6: PA system with mics, two screens with projection for presentation slides, ProPresenter with your presentation loaded, HDMI cable for you to plug your own laptop in, and the full tech booth (with access to audio board, lighting, and camera) to demonstrate teaching points, BLACK BOX Prompter (confidence monitor)

      Rooms 12-15: PA system with mics, one screen for presentation slides, laptop with your presentation loaded, HDMI cable for you to plug your own laptop in, BLACK BOX Prompter (confidence monitor – Room 12 only)

      Room 18: one screen for presentation slides, laptop with your presentation loaded, HDMI cable for you to plug your own laptop in

      Worship Facility Stage: PA system with mics, LED wall for presentation slides, laptop with your presentation loaded, HDMI cable for you to plug your own laptop in, BLACK BOX Prompter (confidence monitor)

      Speaker Networking Room

      New this year is our Speaker Networking Room, located in Glass Room B!

      Over the years, many of you have expressed an interest in having a space where you can connect with attendees further after your sessions to continue conversations or answer further questions they may have for you. This year, we have space for you to do this!

      When your session is done, please encourage people to meet with you in the Speaker Networking Room. You can also suggest a specific time that you’ll be in the room to meet with people if you’d like. 

      There will be chairs and tables available, so please feel free to use this space to connect with attendees.


      Speaker FAQs

      We know there are always questions about the details of being a presenter at CFX. We want you to be fully informed and well taken care of as you partner with us.


      We’ve taken care of getting you registered. All you’ll need to do is log into the portal when you receive your confirmation email to confirm all the information is accurate. (Check your spam folder if you didn’t receive your email confirmation; contact Stephanie if you still haven’t received your email yet.)

      As part of your compensation, you will receive an All Access Pass to attend any conference session available. If you would like to attend one of our Masterclasses or Leadership Collectives, please contact Stephanie.

      If you are bringing a guest with you, please contact Stephanie to get them registered as well.


      Speaker Networking Meet-Up

      Make sure you plan to attend this great networking opportunity available only to speakers at CFX!

      On Monday evening, October 21st, from 5:30-7:00 PM, CFX will host light hors d’oeuvres and beverages as you spend time fellowshipping and networking with the other presenters at CFX. (A cash bar will be available for additional beverages.)

      More details coming soon, but don’t miss out! Save the date!

      Networking Reception – You’re Invited!

      Our attendees love networking opportunities, and they would love to network with you! We invite you to attend our Networking Reception held on Tuesday, October 22nd, from 5:45-6:45 PM. Located in the North Entry (near Registration), this is your opportunity to connect with attendees, exhibitors, and of course…other presenters. Light hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be available (cash bar for additional beverages).

      Books for Sale

      For those of you who have written amazing books and would like the chance to sell them at the conference, we will provide a table at the back of each session room where you can set them out. 

      Shipping Information

      Some of you may need to ship items to the conference (i.e., physical handouts, books to sell, etc.).  Please use these shipping labels to ensure your materials arrive safely and on time.

      Advanced Shipping Label (must be received in the warehouse between 9/23/24 and 10/14/24)

      Direct to Show Shipping Label (must be received at the convention center on 10/21/24 only!)


      Marketing Information – #CFX2024

      Please help spread the word to your networks about CFX and your participation as a presenter!

      Use promo code SPEAKER to offer your friends, family, and coworkers $50 off any conference package. Or, use this last chance promo code SESSIONS to get an All Access Pass for only $99!

      We’ve also created special marketing guidelines and some suggested copy for social media that you can use. Check it out now!

      Create Your Promo Video Now!

      Just click on the link, follow the prompts, hit record (it’s okay if you mess up, just keep going…we’ll take care of the editing), then submit your video! We’ll get it edited and sent back to you to share with your networks.

      Presentation Templates

      We’ve created presentation slide templates for you to use in your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation.

      While you don’t have to use them for every slide, we do ask that at least 75% of your slides use these templates. This is especially important for use in our Foundations Video Library for those sessions that are being recorded.

      Please note that you may have to make a copy (under the File menu) in order to have the blank templates for your use. 

      When you have your presentation files ready to go, please submit them to Stephanie no later than October 4th using the link below or by emailing them to her.

      Hotel & General Conference Info

      CFX 2024 will be located at the Chattanooga Convention Center located in Chattanooga, TN. 

      The official CFX hotel is the Marriott Chattanooga Downtown, attached to the convention center. Rooms are filling up fast, so don’t miss your chance!

      Please remember we will NEVER ask you to book through any other company other than what’s posted here on our website. If you receive a phone call or email from anyone asking you to book through them, DO NOT BOOK THERE! They are scammers; please send their information to us immediately.

      Other Questions?

      If there’s anything else you have questions or concerns you about regarding the conference or your session or demo schedule, please call or text Stephanie Lippi at 717.222.7713, schedule a meeting, or send her an email.